Wednesday, August 04, 2004

of cows and penguins

gentoo is a great linux distro!

i love portage! very excellent tool. my major complaint? i've been compiling and recompiling everything--- (which was the whole idea anyway) from source so that the machine would be running at optimum condition. unfortunately i forget that it takes eons to do such an insane endeavour!

every tried to compile X11? or gnome? not a pretty sight! you get bored to death! even when the tube's on line or having a ton of divx cartoons/movies playing on another machine.

so i trashed the system... after being able to boot to gentoo and X. i was going to compile gnome... but it kept failing on orbit2. so after trying it out a bit, i grabbed my debian installers and installed it over gentoo.

so i'm aboard debian now. my second debian machine. apt-get is way better than rpms. y? cuz it searches and downloads dependencies! :) redhat/mandrake should learn from that. and its command line... so sometimes there is freedom in it.

now if only i remember how to set up that firewall and dns... lol!

*slips out to do the dirty work*
