Tuesday, February 14, 2006

war journal 005

gentoo on my amd64 machine really rocks.


i was emerging kdelibs and serveral other stuff last night while playing a rented star wars ep3 dvd. and the machine had a load average between 2.0 and 3.0.

with 1gb of ram, the machine barely scratched the swap.

the machine was clearly responsive, no lags of any kind while playing the dvd and even running firefox on the side.

running windows xp on the same machine wouldn't give you the same quick response. i attribute it of course to the lack of 64-bit support on xp, as well as the fact i had compiled the entire system on 64-bit gentoo. and linux kernel's better memory management over windows.

i know this isn't a scientific benchmark... far from it! its just a comparison of user experience. more on the "feely" side of things. still at the end of the day... sometimes thats just as important.

more on the home networking stuff i've been building as well as getting the bloody scroll on x to work on the next blog.

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